Agency Snapshot: Department of State

The Department of State (DOS) mission is to shape and sustain a peaceful, prosperous, just and democratic world and foster conditions for stability and progress for the benefit of the American people and people everywhere. The Department’s budgetary resources ensure the operation of more than 270 embassies, consulates, and other posts worldwide as well as numerous regional, functional and management bureaus. DOS is committed to pursuing this important mission while managing its finances effectively, which includes ensuring accurate payments, effective utilization of property, and sound financial accounting procedures.


Department of State Freeze the Footprint Baseline

In FY 2015, the Department of State’s total office and warehouse square footage was 0 square feet - an actual decrease of 6,837,653 since FY 2013.

Agency FY 2012 SF Baseline FY 2013 Total SF FY 2014 Total SF FY 2015 Total SF SF Change FY2012 Baseline to FY2015
STATE 6,837,653 7,145,612 7,467,807 0 -6,837,653

Department of State Freeze the Footprint Projects

Project Project Type Description Location: City, State Start Date Projected Start Date Actual Completion Date Projected Completion Date Actual Space Reduction Planned (SF) Space Reduction Actual (SF)
Harry S Truman Building Renovations Phase 1C Space Redesign/ Reconfiguration of existing space

Building eligible for National Register of Historic Places. Much of its infrastructure is functionally obsolete. Therefore, State can simultaneously improve the facility and improve utilization rates. Phase 1B led to an increase of 20% in employees housed in building and Phase 1C will allow for 11% more.

Washington DC 01/01/15 Pending 03/01/18 Pending Renovated space will house approx 100 more people. Pending
CA Consolidation: 600 19th Street NW, Washington DC Lease Consolidation

Consolidate CA multiple location offices into one leased building. State's renovations allow for one third more personnel to be housed than was possible by the previous tenant in the same space. The vacated leases for CA will be terminated.

Washington DC 06/01/09 06/01/09 05/01/13 10/01/13 NA NA
Lease Termination and Relocation: 400 C Street, SW, Washington, DC Lease Termination

Due to its age and extremely inefficient layout, the square feet per person ratio at this location is one of the highest in the agency. A plan is underway to move out of this building and into other facilities.

Washington DC 11/01/11 11/01/11 01/01/18 Pending 160,000 Pending